It's time to nominate all those potential Mister and Miss EVITs!
The annual competition (and
United Way fundraiser) is kicking off this month. Nomination forms can be picked up and dropped off at the front desks in Building 1, the Health Sciences Center and the Cosmetology Building. Nominations must be in by 3:30 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 11.
Mister and Miss EVIT are crowned at Tech Fest, the school's biggest event of the year. They represent their fellow students in a variety of ways, including by leading their classes into the completion ceremony at the end of the school year.
Once students are nominated, the nominees are asked to fill out an application form. A selection committee will narrow the nominees down to five girls and five boys from the morning classes and five girls and five boys from the afternoon classes. Then students will get to "vote" for their Mister and Miss by dropping money into a jar for each candidate. The money will be counted at Tech Fest on Jan. 30, and those who raise the most money for United Way will be crowned! The winners also each receive a $100 Westcor giftcard.
To qualify as a Mister or Miss EVIT, students must have a 2.5 GPA at EVIT and grades of "C" or better. They cannot have any discipline issues or more than the allowed tardies and absences.
Last year, the fundraiser brought in more than $1,600 for United Way. Meet last year's Mister and Miss EVITs: Michael Tanner (PM), Katie Warner (PM), Cortney Couch (AM) and Michael Rudd (AM)